Applying to Friends of Man - Step by Step

An overview of the application process for referring professionals:

  1. You, the referring professional, will receive the Guidelines with our Application Form.
  2. We do not assist with back bills or any item that has already been paid for, ordered or received, or work begun.
  3. Fill out application completely and legibly, preferably typed. Include details about the applicant’s background and present situation. Incomplete or illegible applications cannot be processed.
  4. Submit application signed by both you and the applicant by email ( or U.S. Mail, not fax.
  5. Screeners may phone or email with additional questions or requests for additional documentation.
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General Assistance

Helps people of all ages in Colorado with a large variety of needs. Assists people who live outside of Colorado with a limited range of needs.

General Transplant

Assists people having organ transplants in Colorado with ancillary needs.

Transplant Medication

Assists people who can’t afford on-going post-transplant medication.

Single Parents Empowered

One-time assistance to employed single parents in Colorado who are experiencing a crisis (employment or other income interruption) which threatens their continued independence. Ask for SPE application and guidelines in Type of Assistance when you request our application.

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